Sayonara MWSF 2006
I have completed my MWSF 2006 experience. Even though the show is going to continue for one more day, I'm not going back. This is a fitting image to mark "the end":

I have posted some more pictures to the gallery.
Overall, I am satisfied with my MWSF experience. I think that 2006 is going to be a year of transition for Apple and it's users. Transition to a new processor architecture. Transition to Apple being in the lead. Transition to the idea that Apple is once-again a dominant force in the industry. That thought can take awhile to sink-in, sometimes.
As for me, this year marks the 2nd, and probably last time that I'll see the Steve Jobs keynote live. I'm not crazy enough to do what it will take to get into the main hall, so next year, I'll just attend the exhibit hall, and watch the webcast. It's somewhat disappointing, but that's just how it goes.
I'm still pretty tired from Tuesday's day-long MWSF extravaganza, and I'm off to Tahoe this weekend. So, I might not be able to achieve a state of "rested" for awhile...