A note to all of those bitching about the lack of modem on the new MacBook Pro

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I'm seeing quite a few complaints on the 'net (there, and elsewhere) about the fact that the new MacBook Pro doesn't have a modem. I disagree with the complaints, and I think that Apple has done a smart thing once again.

It's called progress, folks. Telephone connections (POTS for us bell-heads) are on their way out. I don't think I have ever used the modem in my PowerBook, and it is over 2 years old now.

Remember when Apple released the original iMac, and Steve Jobs axed the floppy drive? There were howls of protest then too. But now, not so much.

That's called progress. The industry has moved on, thanks in part to Apple's lead. The same thing is going to happen with the Modem. Just watch.


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Rushabh said:

Yeah you don't realise these things till you happen to go to a place truly _different_. Like India. Where there was no broadband / wireless for my first 2 1/2 weeks. Thankfully I had the modem (which, I'd _never_ used here) and voila! I have nerdnet again.

A modem costs a few cents - a dollar on the outside. Maintaining the modem software, probably a little more. Getting rid of it was _not_ a good idea. Its one of those things that you don't think you need till you need it. And then there's no way you can run to the store and buy your 50 dollar usb stick modem either ('cos there's no apple store in india)

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