Goodbye Slashdot, hello digg


Late last week, I saw a link called "digg vs. slashdot" posted to O'Reilly Radar. Curious, I skimmed the article, and then checked out digg. At first glance, it didn't really grab me -- but then I read the "about" blurb, and found that is like Slashdot + Wiki, and got intrigued.

O'Reilly has also come through with a link to a BusinessWeek article about digg, and I'm sold. I have been pretty unhappy with Slashdot for awhile now -- duplicate postings, low signal-to-noise ratio in the comments, etc. I have never even bothered to get a Slashdot user account, because I just don't see the point. I have never bothered to add the site to my RSS reader, and I have gotten down to checking it only a few times a week.

But all along, the basic problem with Slashdot hasn't been the site itself -- but rather it's editorial approach. And it is really looking like digg is fixing that, in a social software, "let's harness the collective intelligence of everyone", sort of way.

Which I really like. So, check out digg!


Technorati Tags: Slashdot, digg

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on November 16, 2005 1:04 AM.

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