Umm, holy shit


That was pretty much all I could think about when watching the evening news.
The aftermath from hurricane Katrina is staggering. Right after the hurricane, I really didn't think to much of it -- at least, I didn't think it would be so bad. I mean, Florida had four hurricanes last year, and taken together, it didn't amount to the worst human tragedy that the United States has ever seen (link from Omar Shahine).

I missed the news on Tuesday night (was busy out to dinner with visiting dignitaries from work). So things didn't start sinking in until Wednesday night -- when I watched both Tuesday's and Wednesday's NBC Nightly News. I have been glued to the news since then, with what little spare time I have had this week.

EDS has announced a donation matching program similar to what they did for the Tsunami. I believe that I will be contributing when I go to work tomorrow, once again.


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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on September 2, 2005 1:26 AM.

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