My new computing environment

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So, months after my ergonomic evaluation and new keyboarding environment that I got at work, I finally have one at home too:


I bought a refurbished Kinesis Advantage keyboard (per recommendation from Carl), and a Biomorph Exo desk.

So far, things are working fairly well. The keyboard is definitely a hit -- I can type far more comfortably on the Kinesis than I can on either a Microsoft Natural keyboard or the "straight" keyboard on my PowerBook. The desk isn't blowing me away as much as I had hoped, but it is solid. I chose it because I was looking for something where the keyboarding surface as height adjustable independently from the monitor surface. While the Exo does support this, it is not to the degree that I thought -- what you see in the picture is the maximum degree of separation that can be achieved.

Nevertheless, I am typing far more comfortably at home now than ever, which is great. The only thing that is missing is a nice new 20" iMac G5, to replace my aged Sony monitor and not-quite-fitting-on-the-desk PowerBook. If only Apple would release a dual-core model, to force my hand...



Sheila said:

What is that glass of water doing so close to those electronics??!! Haven't we learned anything??!

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on September 22, 2005 11:47 PM.

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