A teensy bug in iPod nano


After my first full day of using my new iPod, I seem to have stumbled upon some sort of display bug:


As you can see, the iPod is a big confused, and is displaying two overlapping versions of the song/album/artist text, one slightly aside of the other. I am not sure what I did to produce this bug, but I suspect it has to do with the iPod nano's ability to display album art for songs. Turning the iPod on and off didn't fix the issue, nor did syncing with my PowerBook. It persisted all day today, so I decided to try loading some album art into the new Fall Out Boy album, and then loading those songs onto my nano. Sure enough, when I tried to play the new FOB album on my iPod, the display was fixed, even for non-FOB tracks.

My guess is that this started when I played a Denali bootleg, which had some album art in it. That art may be corrupt or something. I will try reproducing this bug again tomorrow.

Finally, in other nano news, I have posted a gallery of pictures of my iPod nano.


About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on September 15, 2005 11:35 PM.

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