Planet OSCON is live


At last night's blogging BOF (which I hope to write more about later), I asked how people were finding those who were blogging about OSCON. While I was aware of the part of the OSCON Wiki where people were putting information on their blogs, I didn't want to have to groom through all of those URLs in order to get the appropriate RSS feeds into NetNewsWire.

When I posed this question to the group, Casey West suggested setting up the Planet Planet software. While that is in and of itself a good idea, out of the box, the planet software requires an admin to add RSS feeds to the configuration. So, Casey followed that idea up with the notion of gluing a simple CGI to planet, which people could use to add their own blogs to the planet configuration (Wiki-style).

Whelp, we all agreed that it was a good idea, and now Casey has turned around and created it. Awesome!

So, if you want to play along with OSCON at home, this seems like the most definitive way to do so. I whole-heartedly suggest that you check it out.


About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on August 2, 2005 2:35 PM.

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