"March of the Penguins"

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Kevin and I went and saw "March of the Penguins" last night. And let me say this -- this movie definitely lives up to the hype. The cinematography is simply stunning -- I am amazed that the filmmakers were able to capture many of the shots that they did. And the Emperor Penguins are quite astounding creatures in and of themselves. It is impressive that any sort of creature is able to inhabit Antarctica (the coldest place on earth), much less thrive, like the Emperor Penguins appear to be doing.

The film itself is a documentary, but it isn't told in an over-bearing, instructional tone. Rather, it shows the plight of the Emperor Penguin in more of a story format. The film puts you in the place of the Penguins (as much as that is possible), to make a solid connection between the viewer and these amazing animals.

In short, I whole-heartedly recommend this movie. If you have a chance to see it, go for it!



AllisonS said:

I think that Alex Wurman's music makes the film. He is an incredible composer.

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