I finally saw Episode III last night
Finally! I decided to wait until the stars aligned amongst my friends before seeing Episode III. It was well worth the 3(+) year wait. I'm not going to write a full review, but there is one thing that I want to get off of my chest after the jump...
(Beware of spoilers)
How much of a badass is Obi-Wan? In Episodes I & II, his only big achievement was killing Darth Maul. But in Episode III? Whoa-boy: became a kick-ass general, killed General Grievous, survived the clone army turning on him, and kicked the crap out of Anakin. After Episode II, I thought that Yoda was the most bad-ass Jedi of them all, but Obi-Wan really won me over in Episode III. And saving Anakin's light saber to gift to Luke some 20-odd years later? Man, was he ever thinking ahead!