Serenity trailer in HD


With the advent of QuickTime 7, Apple has made the Serenity trailer available in High Definition. Here is a direct-download link to a 108Mb zip file (138Mb unzipped). This file is pretty amazing. The resolution of the movie is 1920x816. The display on my 15" PowerBook is only 1280x854 -- so I can't even fit the movie on my display at full size!

Even if I could, my puny 1.25Ghz G4 can't even play the movie at full frame rate. In fact, I only get something like 3-10 FPS. Apple recommends a G5, and I can definitely see why.

Still, just looking at individual frames -- it looks amazing in HD. The special effects, whicih looked great in lo-def, hold up in HD. So, they should really impress when seen on the big screen.

I have watched the Serenity trailer every day since it hit the 'net. Man, am I salivating over this movie.


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