

... while I was able to write that last post in Frankfurt, I wasn't able to get it posted until I got back home. I was having a weird problem with the Wifi in Frankfurt airport -- it was taking a super long time to establish TCP connections. But once they were up, data riding over the established socket was rather snappy. Anyways, I tried to hit "post" just as Luftansa started herding everyone at the waiting area onto several buses, so that we could be taken to the plane (which was out on the tarmac, not near the terminals). I waited as long as I possibly could, and when I saw the "error" dialog, I just went for the bus. Normally, I would have liked to do some network troubleshooting, but I really didn't want to miss my plane.


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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on February 4, 2005 8:01 PM.

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