Fall Out Boy @ the Metro


Accompanied by Kevin and Sara, I went down to Chicago last Wednesday night in order to see Fall Out Boy headline a sold-out show at the Metro. FOB played a tight set, to an enthusiastic crowd (Chicago is their home town, after all). They played at least one new song, off of the new record that they are currently recording in L.A. Pete also mentioned that the new record is scheduled to come out on May 3rd. So, Target in Sunnyvale should be expecting my patronage on that day.

On the whole, however, I think that my enthusiasm for FOB is waning a bit. By far, I have seen this band live far more than I have any other, and when you see pretty-much the same thing over and over, it naturally becomes tiring. What I'm really referring to is Pete's banter and antics. The show at the Metro was being recorded, for some possible release that is to come later. This means that Pete was even chattier than usual. At one point, during the encore, he divided the crowd in half, and tried to get them to move from one side to the other. Needless to say, as the song began, everyone on the floor of the Metro rushed to the center, causing the people trapped in the middle to get crushed schtoopid. Ug.

On the upside, FOB did play their Christmas song "Yule Shoot Your Eye Out", which I managed to hear on Sara's favorite radio station, WONC, out of North Central College. And Pete was wearing a home-made t-shirt that said "Stump Club" on the front, and "President" on the back. I didn't bring my camera inside the Metro (even though security was lax enough that I totally could have, darn it!), so I didn't get any pictures. I did find some on the web though.


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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on January 2, 2005 11:25 PM.

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