Engineering is awesome
Every once in awhile, Wired comes up with an Earth-changing-amazing story about how some kick-ass people are doing some kick-ass stuff that is going to change the world. I just read this article in the dead tree version of the magazine after work today. Basically, this article is about how some engineers over at MIT are figuring out how to build basic electrical circuits, using biology. The implications of this work are simply staggering. I mean, I am continually impressed by what the principles of engineering are able to achieve. And now, applying those some principles to the biological realm just seems like it is going to bust the whole field wide open. I have been fairly skeptical of the whole biotech field (sure it's going to exist, but is it going to boom and change the world?). Now I'm starting to see the light.
You don't think biotech has changed the world?! What about all the advancements in medicine / disease treatments?
Hey, just cuz they let me in doesn't mean the whole industry has to lose credibility!
I concur. Biotech isn't all about making circuitry out of seaweed. Medicine is a huge industry that's been churching along for decades and rolling out advance after advance in saving, improving and prolonging life.
But they _did_ let Anjali in. hmmm...