Why I haven't been posting

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Why haven't I been posting so much lately? One word: "Metroid". To use a few more words, I have gotten sucked into "Metroid Prime 2: Echoes" for my GameCube. And pretty much all of my spare time has been going into it. My addiction has been a little better this week -- but only out of necessity. I have a lot of other things going on (that I have been neglecting), that can be ignored no longer.

But, back to the game. It's pretty fun -- just like it's predecessor, "Metroid Prime". I just went over the 50% mark in terms of completion last night, by getting the Spider Ball. Total gameplay so far: probably around 25 hours or so. Unfortunately, it's not looking like I'll be able to finish before the holidays, which means that my addiction will have to go into a painful withdrawal period...



Sara said:

Just bring the game home and rent a gamecube from the local blockbuster.

Mark said:

If you'll be over at our place, you can just use my cube.

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