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While driving on Interstate 5 through downtown Seattle this morning, I saw a car with Montana personalized license plates that said "GO CUBS". This reminded me that when Suzie and I were in Berkeley last Sunday, I struck up a conversation with a father and Cubs-hat-wearing-son pair. They were apparently from L.A., but the father said that he grew up in Chicago, and passed the "support the cubs" impulse on to his son.

Last year, when the Cubs nearly made it to the world series, a co-worker of mine asked why there were still any Cubs fans left, seeing as how the (almost) always lose. Well, now I have a definitive answer. Being a Cubs fan is generational, and once you are a Cubs fan, it appears to stick for life, no matter what state your license plates have on them.



Mark said:

I've heard that the Cubs have a following in northern Indiana because back in the days of AM radio, WGN had a stronger signal than whomever was broadcasting the Sox games. Thus, there is a strangely placed fanbase for the Cubs slightly out east.

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