The EECS department at Case (where my e-mail is hosted) has recently added DSPAM to their mail servers, instead of SpamAssassin. The switch has been a little annoying -- it has forced me to figure out how to move messages between different IMAP folders in pine, which while I have figured out, is still too many keystrokes. The reason why messages have to be shifted around is because DSPAM is a learning system, similar to Mail.app's Junk system.
And of course, because DSPAM needs to be trained, it has really sucked at finding SPAM for the last couple of days. I think that it might be getting a bit better, but it is hard to say. I think what might be hurting it is that when I do use Apple's Mail.app, it plucks the SPAM out into its own folder, and thus as a result, DSPAM doesn't get trained. I'm going to have to research how to make these two kids play better together.
I thought my spam count on that address had jumped up. So now I have to learn how to train DSpam, I guess...