Me and Chris


So, I've got one more post that I want to make, one which I have been thinking about writing for a few days now (but have been too busy). What with Chris being in town last weekend, and me on this nostalgia kick, I think one of the pictures that I found sums up a lot of our relationship:

Chris and I, doing what we do best in Storrs 415

In this photo, you see a lot of things. Our "L" room in Storrs, #415. Chris and I at the computer, cracking each other up with something wacky that we did and/or found. I think that you can also see Becky's shoulder, as she leans up against Chris' chair while playing a round of "Tetris Attack!" for my SNES. I think that this was probably taken towards the end of our Sophomore year, but I'm not positive. Those were definitely some good times.


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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on June 9, 2004 11:37 PM.

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