I liked living in Storrs, because people always came to visit me

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And now, of course, it is time for another picture of me at Case, sitting in front of my computer:

me, Steve, and Eric posing for the camera

One of the great things about living in Storrs, was that people always came to visit me. This meant that I combine two of my favorite things -- sitting in front of the computer and hanging out with my friends. Actually, in those days, I think that sitting in front of the computer had a lot to do with getting work done.

Anyways, the really great thing about this picture is Eric. He always specialized in giving normal, everyday things a slight twist, so that if you look with your lazy eye, you see the same bland thing that every one else does. But if you look with your attentive, you see how Eric is playing with the norm. That kindof stuff is cool, and it is a crime against humanity that I don't talk to Eric more.



Liz said:

Do you have any idea what happened to Eric?

Mark said:

Dude, he's sticking up his ring finger? I couldn't do that so save my life.

Andrew Reitz said:


Last I heard, he was living/working in Dayton. Justin might know more, however...


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