

So, I think I'm coming down with a cold. At this point, I don't think it's going to be one of those "Über Colds", from Germany, that you've all been hearing so much about. Rather, at this point, it feels just like enough of a cold to be annoying (like Urkel).

Now, who is really sick (since I'm on the subject) is my older sister Beth. She went into the hospital last week with a high fever (amongst other things), and she's still in the ICU as I write this. The good news is that the doctors & nurses at the hospital were able to stabilize her, and get her flu under control (that's right -- according to the doctors, this is just one crazy-bad case of the flu). But the bad news is that Beth is on a ventilator, because last week she was having problems breathing, and this week, her heart beats a little too fast when she is off of the ventilator.

Overall, though, she is expected to make a full recovery, and thus we should see a return to the status quo sometime this month. I don't think that she will be out of the hospital this week, but we're all pretty hopeful that she'll at least make it out of the ICU.

One really good thing is that Sara happened to be home when all of this went down. She's been a big champ, taking all of the night shifts at the hospital, leaving my mom free to get some sleep and be at the hospital during the day.

So, what was I pissing and moaning about before? Being sick? I guess I don't really have anything to complain about, eh?


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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on March 1, 2004 10:24 PM.

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