"Swimming Pool"

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If you have a choice of what movie to see, and that choice is between "Swimming Pool" and some other movie, and "some other movie" isn't "Problem Child 2", pick "some other movie".

Or, maybe play it on mute in fast forward.



Mark said:

I don't know, if the movie adaptation of the board game "Clue" doesn't turn you to stone, you are already made of stone.

Andrew Reitz said:

The funny thing is, my sister likes that movie. And I couldn't go with "Howard the Duck" either, because we both kindof like that movie (at least, my fondness for that movie is predicated on the fact that the last time I saw it, I was like 8).


Mark said:

It's the strangest thing. I know some other people who have otherwise good taste in movies but still love Clue. I just don't understand it.

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on February 3, 2004 11:54 PM.

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