
So, last night I ventured into San Francisco with Sara, Mike, and Kevin, in order to see fantabulous Fall Out Boy. We had dinner with Stan before the show, which was cool.

The FOB show was cool. I always feel old at these things, and last night was no exception. There were 4 bands playing in total, starting with "Dynamite Boy", "Matchbook Romance", FOB, and finally "Mest". The first two bands were okay, FOB was great (but they had a relatively short set, didn't play any new songs, and we got "Stumph'd" twice afterwards...), and Mest totally sucked.

I'm not even kidding. We are all in universal agreement about Mest -- no discussion required. I was literally bored to tears during their (long) and boring set. Repetitive music. Idiotic banter. I had to spin one of my Bad Religion CDs tonight ("Against the Grain") in order to remind myself what good punk music, and to wash that garbage out of my brain.

Oh, and one more thing -- Being the trendy dork that I am, I now declare that I have a moblog. Witness:

A crappy picture of FOB from my T610

So who was it that said that camera phones were going to revolutionize the world? Well, after looking at that picture, clearly, whoever said that was an idiot, and camera phones suck.


(PS -- that light pinkish blob on the left? That's Patrick, Kevin's brother)

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on February 10, 2004 12:17 AM.

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