Completed my first week at Sugar

Well, it is that time once again - I have completed my first week at my new job with Sugar Publishing Inc. So far, things seem to be going pretty well. Everybody there is super nice, and they have just moved into a new office, so there is plenty of space. For like, the first time ever, I am seated by a window:

My view from the 15th floor of 111 Sutter.
My view from the 15th floor of 111 Sutter.

Since I'm not much of a city person, I can't tell you if that is an awesome view or not. ;)

So far, I must admit that I've found Sugar to be a bit more challenging than I initially anticipated. The reason is because some time ago, they acquired a company called Shopstyle. But as is typical in the business world, when companies merge, it can take awhile to integrate. And from an operations perspective, the environments are still quite separate. So, in reality, I am really trying to learn how two separate environments operate, at the same time. It's sortof like joining two companies at once.

I'm sure that I'll figure everything out -- it's just going to be a bit of a challenge in order to reach enlightenment. One thing that's going to make the ride easier, is the gear that I've been equipped with:

>My workstation at Sugar.
My workstation at Sugar.

Not only did they hook me up with a MacBook Air (which comes in handy during my long commute from Sunnyvale each day), but also with a Mac Pro, driving a 30" Apple Cinema Display. And that display is simply.... amazing. Size really does make a difference - when it comes to displays, anyway. The next time I upgrade my infrastructure at home, I'm going to have to go 30" -- it's that good.

Anyways, I'm enjoying things so far. Maybe I'll have more to say once I'm fully up to speed.
