Andy Reitz (blog)



Links for Wednesday August 15th, 2012

  • Apple Branded Search: I think this is pretty unlikely. Apple management has been pretty consistent that they only like to get into new markets when they can make a "significant contribution". While I'm sure they feel that way about Siri, simply buying a search engine and slapping the Apple logo on it doesn't feel like it'll really move the market forward. I agree with MG Siegler -- a Bing partnership is far more likely. (via John Moltz)

  • The Google-Free iPhone: While I agree that Apple would probably love for Google to not be the default search option on it's devices, I still don't think that Bing is good enough for Apple to get away with this switch. The most likely scenario is that if Apple does change the default, users' complain and figure out how to change their search engine settings.

  • Terms of Service; Didn't Read: Seems like a great way to shine a light on the "terms of service" agreements that we all click on without reading. (via Michael Tsai)

  • 10 Years of Daring Fireball: I have often thought of scraping Daring Fireball articles and doing an analysis, which is why I'm tickled by this infographic from Kemper Smith. I particularly appreciate the article length/time view.

  • DHS Crushed This Analyst for Warning About Far-Right Terror | Danger Room | Chilling account of government bias in it's anti-terrorism efforts:

    Nor does he think DHS should ignore Islamic extremism. "It just needs to be more balanced," Johnson says. New York congressman "Peter King has held three hearings in the past year on Muslim extremism," he says, referring to the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, "but he's yet to have a single hearing on right-wing extremism when there's been a lot more activity."
    Not good. (via Juan Cole)

  • Top Ten differences between White Terrorists and Others: I thought this was a great piece, well worth thinking about. (via Daring Fireball)

  • Now Samsung's copied Xcode too: You've got to be kidding. I almost hope this is a fake.