Andy Reitz (blog)



Links for Friday April 1st, 2011

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  • Vampire Pop: Long article about the making of the original "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" movie.

  • On Google's business: Good point about the true nature of Google's business, from Kyle Baxter (by way of Marco Arment).

  • Amazon Cloud Player and how bandwidth killed the copyright star: Pretty good rundown of the legal implications of Amazon's Cloud Drive, with respect to the music labels. The fact that the labels want a fee for streaming your own music is pretty screwy. As John Gruber put it (in the most recent episode of "The Talk Show") — what's the difference between buying a song, and storing on an external hard drive via USB, versus buying a song, and storing it on a server that you access via TCP/IP? Technically, there is very little difference. So why should the music labels treat this any differently?

  • Confirmed: Samsung is not shipping keyloggers: This makes way more sense.

  • Do Not Anger the Alpha Android: An interesting about-face from Google. It seems like they are so fixated on Apple, that they are throwing their openness principals under the bus.