Andy Reitz (blog)



Links for Tuesday August 3rd, 2010

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  • iMac or Mac Pro?: Great analysis from Marco Arment. My current iMac is over 3 years old, but I've been holding on to it because I abhor glossy screens. But I've really been having some issues with it. In particular, Marco nails one big issue with all of the iMacs:

    "Now that both of our computers are nearly three years old, mine’s still doing fine for the foreseeable future (although I’ll put an SSD in it soon), but we’re ready to throw Tiff’s out the window. My desk is clean and mostly free of cables and peripherals, but Tiff’s desk is covered in hard-drive enclosures."
    For a computer that's supposed to reduce clutter, it's amazing how much crap is on my desk in order to support it.

  • U.S. Government to Explicitly Allow iPhone Jailbreaking: A small step in the right direction.

  • Apple is run like a huge startup. The key to great products is small teams: Interesting bit of insight into how Apple works internally, which rings true based upon what I know.

  • The Kindle update: I've been "unreasonably tempted" by the new $140 Kindle. Marco Arment lays out a clear and cogent case as to why focused e-readers still have a place.