Andy Reitz (blog)



Links for Friday August 13th, 2010

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  • The 2010 Mac Pro CPUs and pricing: Marco Arment does a good breakdown of the pricing of Apple's latest Mac Pros. In a nut: they are pretty expensive, but if you want to get the most "bang for your buck", you should go for something that starts at $3700. Ouch. I'm still trying to decide what I'm going to do here.

  • iHelp for Autism: Pretty amazing story about some promising early results using the iPad to help autistic children. More study is clearly needed, however. (via Daring Fireball)

  • January Jones: I think the biggest problem with the "iPhone 4 on Verizon in January" rumor is that tons of Verizon customers will be buying new phones for the holidays, and thus will be entangling themselves in 2 year contracts. That being said, all of these rumors are the most plausible ones yet. So my guess is that if there is a CDMA iPhone in January, there is a pretty good reason why Apple couldn't release it earlier, in time for the holiday shopping season.

  • Kickass Cosplay Kid of the Day: Now that is some quality parenting on display! (via Nathan Fillion)

  • The Mystery of Steve Jobs’ Plateless Benz: It is pretty weird that Steve Jobs doesn't have a license plate, but this is a pretty good rundown from Wired as to how he gets away with it.