Andy Reitz (blog)



Links for Tuesday June 22nd, 2010

| Comments
  • Apple iPhone 4: Hands-on review: Xeni Jardin for Boing Boing:

    "The display is a huge leap forward. It's really crisp, and hues are more true. Side by side, the 3GS display and the iPhone 4 display show that the earlier device gives off warmer hues, more peach/red/yellow casts. The iPhone 4 seems more true to life. This is particularly noticeable when you are reading large stretches of text, or comparing one photo on both devices, side by side. On iPhone 4, whites are whiter, blacks are blacker, and the fonts really pop. It makes long reading sessions much more comfortable, and reading things in low light and high light environments are easier than before. "
    There are also some great photos in this well-written review.

  • iPhone 4 review: If you only read one iPhone 4 review, make it Engadget's. It's the best that I've read, by far.

  • Rambling about Verizon: Marco Arment closes strong:

    "Every month without a Verizon iPhone costs Apple dearly in marketshare and mindshare. The longer they wait, the lower their chances to reclaim the difference.

    I’m guessing a CDMA Verizon iPhone will be available within 6 months.

    If it isn’t, I might need to start learning Java."

  • New iPhone Keeps Apple Top of Class: Mossberg on the new iPhone:

    "The most important downside of the iPhone 4 is that, in the U.S., it’s shackled to AT&T, which not only still operates a network that has trouble connecting and maintaining calls in many cities, but now has abandoned unlimited, flat-rate data plans. Apple needs a second network."

  • Apple Announces Three Million iPads Sold in 80 Days: The iPad is selling a lot better than I thought that it would. But get ready for the new iPhone — I bet that Apple will sell over a million on the first day.

  • San Francisco International Airport to get free Wi-Fi: This is pretty good news.

  • TED video offers reasons why people like Apple products: Interesting talk by Simon Sinek about human motivation, and why some organizations win out, while others fail.