Andy Reitz (blog)



Links for Thursday June 17th, 2010

  • Preview: Kirby's Epic Yarn: This game just looks ridiculously awesome.

  • In Nigeria, Oil Spills Are a Longtime Scourge: This is a travesty:

    "With new estimates that as many as 2.5 million gallons of oil could be spilling into the Gulf of Mexico each day, the Niger Delta has suddenly become a cautionary tale for the United States.

    As many as 546 million gallons of oil spilled into the Niger Delta over the last five decades, or nearly 11 million gallons a year, a team of experts for the Nigerian government and international and local environmental groups concluded in a 2006 report. By comparison, the Exxon Valdez spill in 1989 dumped an estimated 10.8 million gallons of oil into the waters off Alaska."

  • iPhone 4 Confirmed to Have 512MB of RAM (Twice the iPad and 3GS): Okay, app store issued be damned, now I really want the iPhone 4.

  • AT&T MicroCell use to count against data caps: Let me get this straight: if data from your phone goes out over your WiFi connection, it's free. But if it goes over a 3G microcell, also in your home, and attached to the same internet connection as your WiFi, then you have to pay AT&T. That's total bullshit.