My worst iPad fears: Fear of the one App Store is a pretty common thread in the argument against the iPad, and it's easy to get carried away with doomsday scenarios. I'm trying not to project too far into the future, and hope to just evaluate the iPad for what it is.
Mac Pro Update With 6-Core Xeon Gulftown Processors Due Soon?: My hope is that the new Mac Pro will be released next month, and that the base model won't go up in price. My fear is that it won't come out until June, and be more expensive. We'll see how it goes.
iPhone-to-iPad development: How's the timing going to work out?: Actually, Mark Pilgrim has the answer. I assume that Colbert's app is going to rock. (via Daring Fireball).
On iPads, Grandmas and Game-changing: I haven't made up my mind yet about the iPad, but articles like this are starting to make me think that it will be a hit. (via Daring Fireball)
The best way for Adobe to save Flash is by killing it: Best article I've read about flash all week. The punchline:
"they can do it for the web, and all the great Flash content out there can simply be rebuilt for HTML5. Publish settings: Flash binary? Uncheck. HTML5 target? Check."
I think that an advanced tool that kicks out modern, HTML5-based content, is a great idea.
Links for Tuesday February 2nd, 2010