Walt Disney’s 1943 Organization Chart: Wait, by the early 40's, the Walt Disney Company had it's own private morgue? Pro-tip: never work for any company that has it's own private morgue. (via @Issue: Journal of Business and Design and Daring Fireball).
Apple Looking to Revive 'Think Different' Advertising Campaign? - Mac Rumors: I really do hope that Apple brings "Think Different" back.
Chart of the day: The big banks get bigger - Reuters.com: Scary.
Apple to Skip Intel Arrandale? Demands Alternative Chip? - Mac Rumors: This rumor seems implausible on a number of fronts. If Apple truly is unsatisfied with Intel's integrated graphics (which is likely), then they will probably just ship a dedicated GPU in all Arrandale-based Macs. It doesn't hurt at all to have an Intel-supplied graphics processor that goes unused.
Links for Wednesday December 9th, 2009