Andy Reitz (blog)



Links for Thursday November 19th, 2009

| Comments
  • AMD avoiding Larrabee route on road to CPU/GPU "Fusion" - Ars Technica:

    "It's entirely possible that Intel will sink a ton of effort and money into Larrabee, only to see it upstaged by a much-less-daring approach from AMD."
    It's going to be interesting to watch this play out.

  • Apple's Mistake: This is another great essay from Paul Graham. But my problem with this essay, and with all criticisms of the App Store, is that they assume that all developers are the same. For the set of developers that Graham considers, his essay is spot-on. But there are lots of other developers out there, where Apple is a far less draconian gatekeeper than what they are used to.

    I think if you want to do a game on iPhone, you're going to have to go through the App Store. But all other developers are just going to migrate to the web. With all of the HTML5 bells and whistels in Mobile Safari, I think that web apps will be able to deliver a pretty good experience.

  • Sweet! Is Sugar the future of publishing? - Fortune Brainstorm Tech: A positive article on my current place of employ:

    "... the San Francisco company has 12 sites, 114 people, and boasts an online audience that's comparable to that of Time Warner's (TWX)"
    We've definitely been growing. When I started last year, there were 70ish employees.