Andy Reitz (blog)



Links for Tuesday March 24th, 2009

  • YouTube - Amdahl's Law in the Multicore Era: Pretty interesting tech talk at Google by Mark D. Hill, concerning where research needs to focus its efforts in dealing with future multicore CPUs. I'm not much of a hardware guy (I vaguely remember the original Amdahl's Law), but I found this talk to be well conceived and easy to understand.

  • Joe Hewitt - The Three20 Project: Another area where I think that the iPhone SDK is lacking is that it's way to difficult to write an app that interacts with the web. A lot of what I see in the (still early) Three20 Project seems to address a lot of these shortcomings. Thanks to the NDA being history, it seems like iPhone developers might fill in some of the gaps that Apple has left with the SDK.

  • • View topic - BLH's tour of Chernobyl. Hello Digg/Reddit/world!!: Photos from a tour of Chernobyl taken last year. Money quote:

    "Its not advisable to sit on these chairs for too long, if you value having working balls."