What do you want to see in Microsoft's retail stores? - Ars Technica: This is pretty crazy -- I'm really surprised that Microsoft is getting into retail, and that they'd annouce it in a press release. At this point, the rip-off from what Apple has been doing in this decade seems apparent, and shameless. The image that Ars attached to this store is pretty funny, though.
Kevin Drum - Mother Jones Blog: Chart of the Day - 2.09.2009: Compares the last 6 recessions, in terms of percentage of jobs lost. Money quote:
"Right now we can say that this is the worst recession since 1981, but by summer it's almost certain that we'll be saying it's the worst recession since World War II."
iBook G4 benchmarked against hackintosh netbook, comes out even - Engadget: Should I ever get a netbook, I wasn't really planning on running OS X on it -- but even still, this hurts...
Links for Thursday February 12th, 2009