No Country for Young Men: Pretty interesting article about China's gender imbalance.
Electronista | RIAA pushing PC makers to limit stereo-in?: Yet another scummy move by the RIAA, if this story is true. Apple Expects 15-Minute Setup Process for New iPhone: If it takes 15 minutes per customer, those long lines for Friday aren't going to clear out very quickly. I think that waiting a few days for a new iPhone might be the way to go, this time around.
Joss Whedon takes MGM to 'Woods' - Variety: Good news: Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard's new movie has apprently been greenlit.
Reiser reveals body's location in exchange for lighter sentence: What a total scumbag.
Links for Wednesday July 9th, 2008
Rising Sun Anger Release Bar?!? Holy schmiggins!
I know, as if I needed another reason to be afraid of China....