NetFlix: First Netflix Streaming Box Review, $100 and Unlimited Downloads!: The value proposition on this new Roku/Netflix box is pretty good. If it works as advertised, I think it could become a big hit among Netflix subscribers. The only problem will be finding enough time to stream all of that content!
Dollhouse - FOX's second trailer - Joss Whedon: So, this is starting to look pretty good. Let's just hope that enough of America agrees so that this thing doesn't get cancelled early. Okay America?
Barack Obama | Rally in Portland Oregon: Campaign video from Barack Obama highlighting the fact that a staggering 75,000 came out to see him over the weekend in Oregon.
Sad Song Long (.mov): Apple has posted an extended version of the "Sad Song" Get a Mac ad, and it's pretty great. Who knew John Hodgman could sing?
Claire Beale on Advertising - "The boy from Chingford who puts the bite into Apple's iconic design": A peek into the world of Jonathan Ive - head of design over at Apple.
Why Zappos Pays New Employees to Quit—And You Should Too - Harvard Business Online's Bill Taylor: Neat anecdote about how Zappos deals with hiring the "right" kind of people - show them what it will be like to do customer support, and offer a parachute. Sounds like a decent strategy to me.
Links for Tuesday May 20th, 2008