Broadband: other countries do it better, but how?: A clear example of how the government can stimulate economic growth and make people's lives better; which of course the current administration isn't doing. January 2009 can't come soon enough.
Big media slams proposal to roll back cross-ownership rule: *sigh*. I've been quite disappointed with the mainstream media lately. I'm not sure what the solution is, but having everything be more and more consolidated sure doesn't feel right.
Gin, Television, and Social Surplus - Here Comes Everybody: Great article from Clay Shirky - there is a lot that can be accomplished when we switch from being passive in our spare time to active.
The heron has landed: a review of Ubuntu 8.04: Page 4: This is something that I wish that Mac OS X had - the ability to mute indvidual applications. Because when I'm listening to my music in iTunes, I actually don't want some random flash app being able to bash it's way in.
BlackBerry’s Quest: Fend Off the iPhone - New York Times: These guys are so screwed.
Japan Steadily Becoming a Land Of Few Children - In my experience, this article rings true. The really crazy part is that the Japanese government doesn't seem to be doing very much to stem the negative population growth.
Links for Monday May 12th, 2008