Electronista | HP intros Mini-Note micro notebook: I have blogged about this one before - these new pictures look even better, and it sure does start off at a pretty low price. The Via C7 isn't a very exciting CPU, however - my guess is that once you configure it to liking, it will be too expensive to consider as just a mere toy.
Etsy Wetsy on Flickr - Photo Sharing!: Love the shirt on whom I believe to be Caterina Fake's (Flickr co-founder) child.
Six US cities tamper with traffic cameras for profit: Another example of priority inversion - when the traffic cameras (installed to promote driver safety) are instead used to make a buck, it seems like driver safety then suffers as a consequence.
TED | Talks | Johnny Lee: Wii Remote hacks (video): I had seen the first hack, but the second one was new to me - using the Wii remote to simulate a 3D display. The effect, as shown in the video, looked really amazing.
Links for Friday April 11th, 2008