Watch with Kristin - Buffy: "Look It Up: Slayer Comma The": Last night was the big Buffy reunion at the Paley festival. I'll be interested to see what other stories and/or videos come out of this - it looks like it was fun.
Analysis: the Obama/Hillary passport breaches and Real ID [Update: McCain too]: This really is an important story, as evidenced by the quote: "... shows exactly why citizens' privacy is critical in a country where citizens compete with one another for control of the government."
MacBook air Hacking - USB PORTS: Some pretty insane hacking on the new MacBook Air - this guy poked at the motherboard and found some extra USB ports. I'm not sure that this is going to prove to be practical, but it sure is interesting.
Calendar Swamp: Calgoo Hub (beta): Calendar sharing takes a step forward: I have been interested in calendar interoperability ever since I came to Aggregate Knowledge, and it is looking like there is some finally some progress to report (other than just putting the whole world on Exchange).
…My heart’s in Accra » The Cute Cat Theory Talk at ETech: Amazing blog post about a talk from Etech, revolving around how activists use Web 2.0 tools (and how the censors try to fight back).
waffle → Where By “Interestingâ€, I Mean “Annoyingâ€: It seems like if Apple renamed the "Software Update" program on Windows to "Software Installer", the problem would be solved.
Final thoughts from Arthur C. Clarke - International Herald Tribune: I'm not a big Arthur C. Clarke fan - but I am learning a lot of ineresting things about him now that he's gone.
Links for Friday March 21st, 2008