For proof Obama can manage, look at his campaign: An examination into how Obama has built his campaign infrastructure, and how his competency in that realm should help to mitigate the "lack of experience" knock against him.
A Primeval Tide of Toxins - Los Angeles Times: A lengthy, but pretty amazing, article about how the oceans are being rebooted to prehistoric times.
TipJoy - A Better Tip Jar For Content: An interesting new startup, playing around with the notion of a "gift economy".
Lake Mead could be dry by 2021: Kevin goes on and on about the coming oil crisis - but where is he about peak water theory?!?!?
Paul Loeb: Behind Obama's Wave of Victories: The More They Know Him.....: A great look at how Obama has been gaining strength in the recent primaries. I'm still pretty optimistic that he can capture the nomination.
INDIANA JONES on Yahoo! Movies: The teaser trailer for the new Indiana Jones movie. I can't wait.
Links for Thursday February 14th, 2008