I was in Seattle this weekend, visiting Rushabh, Kristen, Justin, and Sarah. Oh, and as if I'm not seeing enough of Kevin these days, he showed up too:

L-R: Rushabh, Kristen, Sarah, Justin, me, and Kevin
But I can't complain, he got me, Kristen, and Rushabh into the Fall Out Boy show in Tacoma for free.
All in all, the trip was pretty good. I had nerd time with Rushabh, where upgraded one of his machines, and set it to running Windows Vista, Media Center Edition. I got to see a bit of Vista, and it is certainly different than XP, I'll give it that. The beta that I saw doesn't look like it is ready to ship, but now that Rushabh is "dogfooding" it by recording tons of movies and Gilmore Girls episodes, I'm sure that Vista will shape up, fast. Right Rushabh?
So, thanks to Rushabh and Kristen for hosting me, and everybody for hanging out with me. I'm tired and going to bed soon, but it was well worth it.
Yeah I switched back to MCE 2005 because Vista wasn't handling the 1.3 Ghz processor thing too well. I'll probably switch back to Vista in another couple of months. More on that in a seperate post.
'Tis a shame that Vista doesn't run well enough on a 1.3Ghz Athlon in order to record and playback video. Since this machine is right on the edge, however, I bet that with further optimization, Vista will be able to get there.