August 22, 2004

What does it look like from the top of Mission Peak?

I hiked to the top of Mission Peak again on Saturday, this time with Stan and Suzie, both of whom have never done this hike before. I don't think that either of them were prepared for this one -- it is a little bit rigorous (4 boots out of 5, according to Stan's hiking book). Anyways, we all made it to the top, and the view is impressive:

A view from the top of mission peak

If you click on that picture, you'll be treated to a 6.5Mb, 19 second panorama from atop the peak. I took this movie with my new camera, a Sony DSC-P100 (which I plan to blog more about in the future). If you get past the wind on the audio track, you'll hear something funny at the end.


Posted by andyr at August 22, 2004 11:37 PM