August 22, 2004

As seen in Portland

While Mike and I were in Portland attending OSCON, I snapped a couple of pictures with my phone, as we were walking around. I have been pretty forgetful about actually downloading them off of my phone, however, which is why I'm not blogging about it until now.

Who you gonna' call?

Hung Far Low Chop Suey

Kids & interactive art

From top to bottom, some sort of Utility van that had a spiffy Ghostbusters logo on it. A random chinese restaurant that we walked by -- see if you can make out what it says underneath "chop suey". And the last one is of some weird sculpture that exists in downtown Portland. It is possible to move the center piece if given enough force -- it will swing around. I caught this guy trying to get his kid to do it. I think that the kid was actually able to move it a little. Cute.


Posted by andyr at August 22, 2004 10:46 AM