I'm sometimes do some fairly unsafe things. Witness this:

That is a picture of the sunset today, taken while I was doing 65MPH on US 101 N. Two things: the picture actually turned out surprisingly well, considering it is from my phone. The second: this is the first time I actually found myself wishing for stop-and-go traffic, so that I could take more pictures. And the third thing: don't anybody try this, because it was a pretty stupid thing to do. But I was feeling like being stupid, so I did it.
It has been a busy few days. My employers decided that they wanted their money's worth -- so I spent a significant portion of last week playing the role of "crazy work guy". This culminated in a 12 hour work day on Friday, combined with a server maintenance which stretched until 6:30 AM on Sunday morning.
I will say that it felt pretty good to get that server maintenance over with -- I was fairly stressed about it, because life could have been "bad" if the maintenance had gone poorly. But luckily I work with a bunch of smart people.
In the midst of all of the weekend work, I did manage to get into S.F. to go to Stan's birthday party. He pulled off something pretty amazing -- a large group of people, a live (and bonafide) D.J., and some live music -- via a bluegrass band known as "Sugartree". Damn. I didn't actually see too much of Stan, but I socialized with the crew, and met some of Stan's co-workers.
Since I was such a good boy at work last week, I treated myself today by leaving at 3:00. This gave me some time to mess around with some stuff, and get ready to split for the City at a reasonable time (hence the picture that started off this rambling post). Mike and I both went downtown today to have dinner with a fellow UIUC alum, Adam Slagell. It was a good time.
I did the drive to Milbrae then bart thing, and on the way down there, I kindof wished that I had one of those oQo thingies that Stan was talking up a few weeks back. Then I could have written in my blog.
Oh, and I finally bought a new receiver this weekend. I went with the Yamaha RX-V2400. It is really, really, really great. I'll go into more detail in a subsequent post...
Where are you living these days? I was out in San Jose a bit in October, training sales engineers for our company. I'll probably be out there in May for BEA eWorld 2004.
I'm the WebLogic grunt where I work. I work on the AppManager plugin that monitors WebLogic (among 4 or 5 other products I work on).