Work: February 2007 Archives

Paul Martino, CEO of Aggregate Knowledge, at Demo 2007

Paul Martino, the CEO of Aggregate Knowledge (the startup that I joined last year) formally announced the company to the world at Demo 2007 last week. From all accounts, it seems like things went pretty well. I recommend watching the video (it's only 6 minutes), so you can get the scoop on what we're working on.

In a nutshell, we're working on discovery -- web technology that lets website visitors "discover" what they're looking for. Our technology is flexible enough that it can easily be integrated with our customer's websites - everything from commerce to media. For an example of Aggregate Knowledge technology at work, check out (that's us on the right of the age) and the Washington Post (at the end of the articles, registration required). I'm pretty excited about the technology that we have so far, and I think that 2007 is going to be a very interesting ride.

But for now, we're even starting to get some press coverage -- check our website for a full list of articles. I'm glad that we're a little bit more "out in the open" now. I'm not saying that I'm going to start blogging more about work, but I just might.

Oh, and the subject of this post? Probably the most frequently heard expression at the office. Paul seems to be pretty good at spreading new memes - he even has me saying it.


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