Work: June 2005 Archives

So, I couldn't have predicted this when I woke up this morning, but today was a pretty gosh-darn good day at work. For the last several months, I have been evangelizing blogging, and how I think it could really help EDS. I actually started thinking these thoughts after attending Bloggercon last year. My first attempt at blogging was to pitch the idea of allowing me to start up an external blog on to some random people within the company.

Obviously, that didn't go anywhere.

So, I refactored my idea, and pitched the idea of blogging internally, to my immediate team. Well, my boss bit on the idea, and gave me the freedom to explore this (after we shipped our code two weeks ago, of course). So, I grabbed some OSS blogging software, and got something setup at work. I've been blogging for about two weeks now, and it has been going pretty good. At least, it's making me feel better about work, and it is something that I really look forward to. So far, I have been posting about once a day, except for this week, where I have been posting twice a day.

In fact, I was getting ready to write my first post this morning, when one of my co-workers alerted me to the fact that EDS announced a corporate blog today [registration required: use bugmenot]! The url is - go and check it out!

So, it looks like I won't be "the one" who brings blogging to EDS. But that's okay, I'm just happy that there are some other folks there who are on the same page that I am. What's good is that I am now getting plugged in with some people in EDS who "get" blogs. My whole master plan for this blog that I'm doing at EDS isn't just for me to have a place to write, but to get lots and lots of people in EDS sharing information through blogs. Stage one has been to setup a platform (done), and now I'm in stage two, trying to recruit blogging soldiers for my war on how my company communicates internally. I felt like I made a lot of progress on this front today -- so yeah, it was a quite unexpected, but all together good day.


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