Photo: October 2006 Archives

Justin and Lucy

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Justin, demonstrating how to both rock the laptop and hold the baby at the same time:

Justin and Lucy

I knew that handling new babies is kindof like a balancing act, but now I have proof!


As Rushabh points out, we biked over 25 miles on Saturday. This picture is from the very beginning of the trip (no, I don't have an after picture):

Rushabh and I

I have posted a full gallery of photos from my Seattle trip, as well.


Thanks to Chris and Tanya, I had another dog-filled adventure last weekend. This time, we woke up crazy-ass early and trucked down to Santa Cruz, California, to go to a beach that magically becomes a dog beach before 10:00 AM. Earliness aside, it was a lot of fun, and I snapped a few pictures along the way, including this one of Kaylee on Chris' shoulder:

Kaylee, licking her nose.
Kaylee, licking her nose.

And as you can tell from the lower-right corner of that picture, I had Zoey in my lap while I was trying to take that picture of Kaylee. Two dogs, no waiting. I put the full gallery of pictures online, as well.


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This page is a archive of entries in the Photo category from October 2006.

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