Photo: June 2006 Archives



After a bit of a drought, I have gotten back to posting some pictures online. Here is one of little Kaylee (Chris and Tanya's new puppy) that I took last weekend:

Kaylee is one hard puppy to photograph!

In reverse chronological order, here are the recent galleries that I have posted:

Not everything is annotated yet, but that is on the seemingly-infinite todo list (which means that what is there, is probably all that will ever be). *sigh*.


Hiking on Sheila's birthday


A lot has happened over the course of the last two weeks that I need to blog about. Which makes it really unfortunate that I have been wasting all of my free time trying to get my server to work, instead of writing all of this stuff down. well, I've been doing that, and playing Resident Evil 4...

Anyways, I have a lot of pictures to put online, but I really liked how this one turned out, so I thought I would post it now:

L-R: Sheila, Seth, Allison (Mike's sister), Mike, Tamsen, me, Elizabeth, and Rushabh

Monday was Sheila's birthday, so Rushabh and I drove up to Berkeley for lunch, hiking, and other general hanging out.

I don't have anything else to write about this, I guess -- I just thought that it looked cool.


About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the Photo category from June 2006.

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Photo: July 2006 is the next archive.

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