Photo: December 2005 Archives
We didn't get too many photos from our Christmas get-together, but I think that Sara got this one of Scout and I, watching a commercial on the Tee-Vee:

Scout likes the commercials because often-times, animals are used to sell products. Scout doesn't approve of this practice, so he has to charge the TV and bark at them.
Good dog, that Scout.
A few weeks ago, we had Mike's net.bachelor party at Chris and Tanya's house. I didn't take that many pictures (was too busy shooting my friends in the head in Urban Terror), but I did manage to snag one of Chris teaming up with Zoey in Quake III:

Take that, Internet -- another shot of irrepressible Zoey-infused cuteness!
My Mom and Uncle Mike, at Bears camp in Bourbonnais, during the summer of 2004:

They are accompanied by the some of friends of Joanne and Mike, Matt.
There are many perils associated with technology that one must navigate in the modern world. The other day (while at Union City with Mike), Kevin highlighted one of the many heretofore unseen perils -- cell phone head:

Now, some bright spark need to develop some sort of "cell phone head un-impressioner". Hopefully in the form of an aerosol spray.