Photo: November 2005 Archives

Here is Scout at his most unhappiest -- getting a bath:

Scout in the tub

I have posted a gallery of all of the photos from my trip. Right now, Stan is over and we are doing a three-way music swap between my PowerBook, Stan's laptop, and Sara's iBook. I am not sure who is making out like a bandit -- it's probably a toss-up between Sara and Stan. :)


The "lost" sake photo


Anjali was giving me the business because she thought I deleted this picture of her and Mark at Miyake's two weeks ago. As it turns out, I only deleted it after first loading it into iPhoto. Behold:


Just what the Internet needed.


California sunset from the 101


While driving to Foster City a few weekends ago, I was dangling my camera out the window of Kevin's hybrid. I managed a few photos of the south bay sunset, and I liked this one the best:



A certain dude was in town two weekends ago, and we all had brunch (well, basically lunch) at a neato place in Palo Alto. After it was all over, I managed this candid picture:


I wonder if it speaks to each person's individual personalities?


Chris and Tanya had a pumpkin carving part last Sunday (which I don't think that I ever got a chance to write about). At this event, Kevin carved a pumpkin. And of course, the stage was set for his latest "science experiment":


I don't know how he does it, but I continue to be amazed.


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This page is a archive of entries in the Photo category from November 2005.

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