Photo: October 2005 Archives
I finally put the pictures from my recent trip back home online:

This is the Wheaton Theater, now a protected historical landmark, apparently. I'm told that this means that they have to keep the outside the same, but can do whatever they want inside. That is, if they had any money...
So, I am back from my extended weekend in Wheaton:

It was a pretty good trip, very relaxing. I actually had time to just sit around and do nothing, which can be a nice change of pace. Aside from seeing the aforementioned "Serenity", I also saw "Flightplan" and "Transporter 2". Flightplan was okay -- a reasonable suspense movie. And while Transporter 2 wasn't as good as the first one, it still provided some solid popcorn entertainment. Serenity, of course, ruled them all.
I also took a bunch of pictures of downtown Wheaton, as well as my parents house, and of course, Scout, that I will try and post soon. And while I haven't had a chance to post this yet, the Yosemite pictures are in fact online (although they are not annotated how I would like yet).
So much to do, so little time...